Each time I partner up with Barron's Educational books and review their books, I'm impressed. Their books are educational and fun for my children. Here are a few that I received today...

Early language learning is key to lifelong literacy and success—because language matters! This dictionary includes all the grammar, punctuation, and spelling terms that children need to know during their first years in school. Using child-friendly definitions and lots of examples, it's easy for kids to look up words on their own or with the help of a parent or grownup. The colorful, quirky birds throughout the book will be their guides, asking questions, making comments, and helping children improve their writing all along the way! At the back of the book is a dictionary of words for children, many of which are commonly misspelled. Flashcards have a question on one side and a clear answer on the other, with lots of examples that make learning fun. Kids also get access to FREE online worksheets that give children the tools they need to improve literacy, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Additional support is provided with colorful and fun activity sheets and games. (Ages 5–8)
About The Author:
Jenny Roberts is an experienced editor creating content for both primary and secondary level students. Not only the author of the Oxford Primary Grammar and Punctuation Flashcards, Jenny also levelled all the Oxford vocabulary provided to The Big Spell, which aired on Sky TV in 2016, and is an expert on children's phonics.
In Emilee's opinion:
This book was a perfect addition to our library. It included grammar, punctuation, spelling and a dictionary. It also included some flash cards to review. In the spelling section, it included a fun way to remember your vowel letters. It said, "If you forget which letters are vowels, think of an angry elephant in orange underpants." Eli laughed a lot over that one. Overall, this was a wonderful child friendly book that included a lot of fun ways to learn together.

How Governments and Elections Work Around the World
Louise Spilsbury; Illustrated by Mike Gordon
The Ancient Greeks had them. So did the Ancient Romans. And you know what? So do we! What's that, you ask? Governments! Vote for Me explains politics to children and shows them just who is in charge around the world—from presidents and prime ministers to dictators, autocrats, and monarchs. It also answers important questions that kids have, including:
- What do governments do?
- How are laws made?
- What are monarchies, republics, and dictatorships?
- How do democracies and elections work?
Fun illustrations, interactive panels, and informative sidebars throughout help readers find out what it takes to become a leader—and how to get people to vote for YOU! (Ages 8 and up)
In Emilee's opinion:
Vote for me was very educational and fun to read. I loved the illustrations. The pictures were fun to look at and represented the information perfectly. I also loved that there was a glossary so we could discuss the bigger words. Overall, I was impressed with how much information was included in a book that was perfect for kids seven and up.

The Figures, Facts, and Prehistoric Stats You Need to Know
Kevin Pettmen
Love dinosaurs? Then you need all the facts, figures, and amazing information about them right at your fingertips. This easy-to-read, fact-packed overview of everything dinosaurs is bursting with colorful infographics and high-impact artwork. It's got all the goods on dinos with chapters that include information about:
- Deadly killers: the most amazing predators, like T-rex and Spinosaurus
- High and mighty: tall and long dinosaurs, such as Sauroposeidon and Diplodocus
- Tiny terrors: small and scary dinosaurs, including Compsognathus and Anchiornis
- Speed machines, like Struthiomimus and Dromicieomimus
- Rough and tough: ferocious fighters with thick armor, such as Coahuilaceratops
- Under the sea: the fascinating and fearsome dinosaurs that lived beneath the waves
- 10 things you didn't know about dinosaurs, and so much more
Each piece of data is based around a number, creating an entire book of easy-to-understand information that will delight even the most reluctant readers. The comprehensive coverage includes key dinosaur facts and stats you need to know, from the dawn of the Triassic period 230 million years ago to their extinction 65 million years ago. (Ages 8–11)
In Emilee's opinion:
Dinosaur number crunch was full of interesting dinosaur facts. I had a lot of questions about dinosaurs and their purpose on earth. Why were they here? What was their purpose? Although my questions weren't answered, I learned a lot of cool things about the deadly killers, heavy weights, tiny terrors and more. The best thing I learned was about the epic extinction but it still confuses me. Overall, it was mind blowing to learn about the figures, facts and prehistoric stats of dinosaurs. Very fun indeed.
Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products or services for free in the hope that I would mention them on my blog and offer an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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