We thought it would be fun to create some FREE printables for our guests to access and use for their own personal use.
So, this will be the guinea pig of the Free Printables. Please comment with any concerns, questions, etc etc so we get it right.
The first FREE Printable is a Learn, Listen and Live it 8x10 banner that WE think will inspire you throughout the year. We can't give you more detail but we are hoping it will lead to something amazing.
Here is one you can print for the Fall...

Okay, so here is the deal...we have never done this before so bare with us.
To Download, "Save Image As" to your desktop and then print on card-stock.
Be sure to frame it and live by these inspiring words, Learn, Listen and Live it. These were designed by Emilee so they are for personal use only. Thank you and have a wonderful day!!!
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